Aiming to become an SEO writer! What are you waiting for? You will get 30 resourceful images, 3 downloadable pdf files, and informative 56 links.
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Infographic Showing 7 Innovative Hacks |
- Are you going to write a blog or content on the website and forget to optimize?
- Don’t worry! My blog will help your post land on the first page of Search Engine Result Page (SERP).
- First get an idea, thorough research on the concerned topic, incorporate into juicy words and spread them as a blog.
- Now, you have launched first step to become a top-notch SEO writer. Want to know more. Just keep reading….
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Key Strategies of an SEO Writer |
Do you so much worry over headlines hacks? Don’t worry. Your all worries over headlines hacks just end here. Keep reading….
1.Catchy Headlines
- Posts without headlines are like people without names.
- Headlines give your post a name, an identity and a clear recognition.
- You must create a headline an eye catchy i.e. viewers can’t wait to read it.
- Let’s start to make a refined headline.
- Take a look on various headline templates and choose your own favorite.
- Boost your blog post traffic by creating a killer headline.
- Rayelantan recounts about how to create powerful headlines.
- Pauline not only gives two ideas: first, creating beautiful headlines and second, wonderful examples of adjectives.
2.Headline Analysis
- Create your own template from various ideas.
- Just be cool and work on next important part ‘’analysis’’.
- is a wonderful platform for headline analyzer.
- It has four criteria namely; common, uncommon, emotional and power words to give you a 100 score.
- A score above 70 is good for an optimized headline.
- It is just like an A/B testing where you are checking different parameters of the same headline.
- Below image gives you a clear insight into choosing a suitable headline.
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Unique Way to Analyze a Headline |
- You can choose any two words and make a better headline. I have chosen ‘tackle’ & ‘laziness’.
- Score 46: According to, the headline is too short, just 31 characters long and there are no uncommon, emotional and power words. Just there are only common words (to).
- Score 60: Headline is optimal but there are no uncommon and emotional words. There are one power word (top) and the one common word (to).
- Score 61: Headline is again too short, only 22 characters long. There are only 50% emotional words (how to).
- Score 68: Headlines is slightly short, 31 characters long. There is one common word (to), one uncommon word (ways), and two power words (top, win).
- Score 69: Headlines is 40 characters long. There are one common word (to), one uncommon word (ways), and two power words (top, irritating).
- Score 71: Headline is 39 characters long. There are three common words (do, to, you), one uncommon word (really), and two power words (want, win).
- Score 73: That’s right! The headline is 50 characters long. An optimal meta title length. There are three common words (do, to, you), one uncommon word (really), and two power words (want, win).
· There is no strict rule that you must have at least one power word, one emotional word, one common word and one uncommon word.
· Instead, you can choose two uncommon words, or two power words or three common words and one emotional word.
· Just make your score above 70.
· Now, you have broader prospects of how to make a catchy headline.
· Just try and try and finally you will make a magnetic headline.
· Make your headlines only 60 characters long. An extra character will get ‘….’ symbol. Just take a close look to below image.
What should be the correct approach for making a suitable headline?
- Every headline generation domain or software has limitations over what they have put in the HTML text.
- So, they can’t justice your creativity.
- On, I have high score on keyword ‘amazing SEO writer’.
- But for ‘top notch SEO writer’, the site doesn’t recognize my keyword as emotional word and turned down my score.
- Make sure that you must use longtail keywords because people prefer longtail over generic.
- For an example, ‘’how to tackle laziness’’, you get few results.
- However, ‘’how to win over irritating laziness’’, you will get quality results.
- Your can enhance your writing style by using longtail keywords.
So much about headlines hacks. Do you want to know content hacks?Just keep Reading….and for curiosity to know more, comment me.
3.Content Creation With Rhythmic Flow
- If the headline is the life of blog post, then the content is the soul of the blog post.
- You can attract viewers by your unique writing style.
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Content Creation: A Checklist of Content Creation Tactics |
- From the above image, you will get the clear idea of content creation.
- The five tactics; findable, readable, understandable, actionable and shareable will pave you the way of content creation.
- The flow of content should be rhythmic and easy to read.
- suggests your readability score should be above 65.
- It must be in plain English that viewers can easily read and understand your post.
- If your readability score is high then you can target millions of viewers.
- If you really want to invest your money for a quality editing software.
- StyleWriter4 is your right choice.
- It not only checks your grammar but also checks your writing style in bog index, passive sentences, style index, and grade index.
- Download whole features of StyleWriter4 as a pdf.
- People don’t read your post but they just skim your post at one glimpse.
- You have to make a top place in the millions of post on the search engine.
- Don’t write bulky or massively compact sentences. It will go without notice.
- Write short sentences and short paragraphs. It's better to write with a bulleted list.
- Don’t go for intensive editing without completing the full post.
- Keep your flow and don’t break your flow for editing.
- Make a rough draft and then edit it carefully.
- Make your writing draft on Google docs or Microsoft word.
- Finally, import them to Blogger or WordPress or other Content Management Softwares (CMS).
- Analyze your content by the content checker.
- Check duplicate content by
Okay, enough content hacks. Just explore meta description hacks only for you. Just keep reading…….â„¿≲≺≺≺
- You must add your blog post meta title and meta description.
- It will help Google crawl your post title and description.
- Otherwise, Google will only crawl your web page tile and description.
- In this case, Google will provide only your web page search snippet.
- Therefore, your blog post won’t be searchable by Google bots.
- Just go to your web page HTML section. Below Head section, add your blog post meta title and meta description explained in the below image.
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Meta Description: Focus Keywords |
- Use meta title 55-60 characters long and meta description 155-160 characters long for an SEO optimized article.
- The meta description is a short review of your article.
- Read more about metadata on
- This is the last chance you can convince your viewers that your blog post is a noteworthy article.
- You can create meta description as a simple right length, an active voice, a call-to-action (CTA), specifications, and focus keywords.
What should be your ideal meta description?
- If you are selling a product, a call to action is your favorite meta description.
- But, if you are launching a new product and want to leverage your product into a wider reach of viewers. I think ‘meta description as specifications’ suits your channel.
- If you want instant access to viewers from impactful sentences, then apply an active voice meta description in your profile.
- If you want to showcase your main focus keywords, then meta description as focus keywords is your key choice.
- A generic idea or an explanation would be your right choice for meta description as a simple right length.
- I have described various images of meta description.
- Apply which one will leverage Click-through-Rate (CTR) to your post.
Now let’s come in the surfeit of image optimization hacks. Analyze and implement in your post. Just keep exploring…...
5.Image Optimization
- You can optimize your image by alternative text (Alt tag) in the place of ‘image001’.
- Alt attribute will help visually impaired people to read by a screen reader.
- You can recognize alt tag even if images are blocked or not displayed.
- The best-defined image alt tag is the key source for Google image search or Image SEO.
- You have seen in the whole blog how I made you understand by plenty of alt tag images.
- Give viewers a clear view by using plenty of alt tag images.
- Whenever you see wordiness or bulky sentences, prefer images over words.
What should be your preferred alt image tag?
Give the best suitable alt tag for the below-mentioned image.
- 1. Just put simple “Image00678”. What do you infer from that image? Not a meaningful description comes from that tag. Unable to get your post on the first page of SERP or Image SEO.
- 2. Now, put “A man fishing on the river”. A mere description won’t fulfill the goal of the company.
- 3. Let us write ‘’Fishing kayak’’. Sounds good. But, it could be a bit more descriptive to suit the prospects of the company.
- 4. Next, add ‘’Patterned kayak, Sharp fishing kayak, Saturn popular kayaks, flat kayak price, buy fishing kayak’’. This is the perfect example of over-optimization. You can be penalized heavily by search engines.
- 5. Finally, put “Saturn Inflatable Fishing Kayak FK396”. This is the perfect image alt tag and it will fulfill the goal of the company.
- Go to built-in media uploader of WordPress and select an image.
- After selection, a sidebar appears.
- Then, fill all the boxes of URL, title, caption, alt text, and description.
- This is an easy step to add image alt tag in WordPress.
- Insert image in Blogger.
- Just click the image.
- Now, it is selected.
- Click on the properties, add title text and alt text.
- Now, the image alt tag is added in Blogger.
- There is a slight difference between the title text and alt text.
- The title text is just an image caption or title of the image but the alt text is the finer description of the image.
- Always use rel=nofollow image alt tag link.
- Do follow image alt tag link will take all your link juice.
- Don’t give link juices especially for image alt tag even if the web page has high domain authority.
- Nofollow link to the alt tag won't be indexed by Google.
- In this way, your site will index by Google.
Let's deep dive into the ocean of anchor text hacks and sort out a perfect anchor text for hyperlink. Just keep reading....and to know more comment me.
6.Anchor text and link building
- When you use anchor text as link building, it will provide relevant contextual information about the content.
- Make bold the most relevant keywords even if these will not utilize as anchor texts.
- Bold texts will engage the viewers a longer duration of time in your post.
- Let’s know deeply about various anchors.
- Make dofollow tag only for high Domain Authority sites and your internal links.
Naked Anchors
- You can use your domain name as naked anchors.
- It is the safest and the most effective method to hyperlink the text.
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Different Variations of Naked Anchors |
Branded Anchors
- You can use your brand name, your product name and your name as Branded Anchors.
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A View of Branded Anchors |
Generic Anchors
- You can use simple anchors as ‘’click here’’, ‘’contact me’’, etc as generic anchors.
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Examples of Generic Anchors |
Exact Match Anchors
- You can optimize a target keyword as exact match anchors.
- For examples, ‘’link building’’, ‘’anchor text’’, ‘’Rich content’’, ‘’Catchy headlines’’, etc.
- Hyperlink these anchors only a certain limit as it is termed hard or unnatural anchors.
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Preview of an Exact Match Anchor |
Partial Match Anchors
- Partial match anchors are the broader search for a target keyword.
- Below image provides the partial match anchors for keyword ‘’anchor text’’.
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A Gist of Partial Match Anchors |
Longtail Anchors
- Longtail anchors are well refined than the partial match anchors for your primary keyword.
- For example, ‘’Choose relevant keywords for anchor text.’’
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A Nice Description of Long Tail Anchors |
LSI Anchors
- The extended form pf LSI is Latent Semantic Indexing.
- LSI anchors are closely related to your primary keyword.
- Google keyword planner provides a handful of examples of LSI anchors.
- Let’s see the various LSI anchors for ‘’SEO writer” in the below image.
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An Overview of LSI Anchors |
Brand+Keyword Anchors
- You can use your brand name and a target keyword for brand+keyword anchors.
- Such as, ‘’Skincare products from vaseline’’.
Image Anchors
- Use your Image alt as image anchors because Google analyzes the ‘alt tag’ as anchor text.
- See the below image for precise understanding.
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An Example of Image Anchor |
What should be an ideal ratio of anchors in your SEO article?
- Google keeps a strict eye on manipulation of search engine results by Penguin algorithm.
- You can get a Penguin penalty of over keyword optimization.
- There are no set rules for anchor text ratios.
- Longtail keywords are getting better search results than exact match keywords.
- A generic or a specific targeted keyword won’t give desired search results.
- It is most often used in pay-per-click (PPC).
- So, try to avoid exact match anchors as possible as you can.
- You can use a limited ratio of partial, longtail and LSI anchors.
- You can use the optimal ratio of generic anchors.
- Last, you can use a fair amount of branded and naked anchors.
- Since there are no specific anchor text guidelines from Google or Yahoo or Bing.
- I have made the best anchor ratio for various anchor percentages.
- My anchor text ratio is reliable and user-friendly.
- The given percentages in the image may vary more or less depends on your need.
- Invest your quality time for selecting relevant keywords.
- If you want to know your relevant keyword, just search all your topics and subtopics extensively on the search engine.
- Make a note of all the relevant keywords.
- Select wisely and make ensure whether they fit in your content or not.
- Finally, you will get your relevant keywords.
- Don’t invest your quality time on high frequency keywords, keyword density and keyword stuffing.
- When you target viewers with high frequency keywords, then you need intensive keyword research.
- Most popularly, when you use keywords for PPC or Google AdWords.
- In blogging, if you focus on high frequency keywords, you might miss your flow and unable to deliver your content.
- Don’t stress for keyword density.
- You can’t replace certain quality keywords.
- For example, I have used ‘optimized’ and ‘optimal’ plenty of times where optimization is essential in every aspect.
- Avoid over optimization or keyword stuffing as I mentioned in Image optimization section.
- Otherwise, Google will consider your link as link schemes.
7.Backlink Analysis
- A healthy backlink is good for backlink profile health.
- Check regularly your overall backlinks by Monitorbacklinks.
- Your content quality is the only way to get a sound backlink.
- Don’t ever buy links or exchange links for making your backlink profile.
- Never put your domain name in forums, directories, local guides, etc for a getting a cheap backlink.
- These sites not only have low PA and DA but also there are huge spam contents over there.
- It heavily affects your ranking on the search engine.
- Don’t make a shortcut as making a large backlink pool is a long term strategy.
- Just follow the Bruceclay backlink Evaluation Chart for your backlink profile.
What should be the correct strategies to get a quality backlinks?
- High Domain Authority (DA) sites offers demandable software, tools and add-ons.
- So, what you can do now to get a backlink from high DA sites.
- Just analyze their tools, the overall performance of the tool and if you incline a flaw.
- Then, mail to the site of your concern.
- Make sure you have done extensive work in your post.
- If they are impressed by your work.
- They can backlink your site in their blog specifically referring that tool or in the tool explanation guide.
- Have you noticed I have gathered massive effort to make an infographic?
- If anybody will use my infographic in his/her site, surely I will get a backlink.
- You can uplift your social shares by introducing infographics.
- Read further and you will get a refined formula of SB rank.
- It is given by Scanbacklinks. But, I refined my own way to get a clear insight that everybody can apply it.
- After that, I mailed them to give me a backlink in your tool guide page or in a blog where they explain the tool.
- At least make your own 2 to 3 quality images and alt tag the images with nofollow link.
- This is the correct approach for taking a backlink from image alt tag.
- As you have seen I have an image ‘’A Pictorial Representation of Anchor Percentages’’. It will feed me a backlink.
- Reward viewers with a pdf of your whole content. In this way, you will gain a backlink sympathetically.
Things to avoid while making a link to
your blog
Footer Links
- Avoid using the footer link because Google algorithm might recognize them as spam links.
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Examples of Footer Link Spamming |
Blogrolls and Blocks of Links
- Don’t use the widget for making many links as blogrolls.
- A group of links is created by means of promoting or exchanging links will fetch you a penguin penalty.
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List of Sidebar Links as Blogrolls |
Site-Wide Links
- This type of links are trying to manipulate the Google search ranking.
- Site-wide is a list of spam links.
- Spam links can generate plenty of backlinks by black hat SEO techniques.
- They are trying to allure you by showing links containing many backlinks.
- This type of backlink can hurt your search ranking.
- Disavow that domain who backlink your domain as site-wide links.
Blog Comments
- Unnatural comments with irrelevant anchor text could hurt your search ranking.
- Make sure all blog comments must be nofollow so that Google could not index it.
- Finally, remove all the toxic backlinks and disavow them from your backlink pool.
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An Illustration of Blog Comments as Spam Links |
Most Prominent Backlink profile metrics
Domain Authority (DA)
- If your domain is doing well on and appears on the first page of search engine result page, your DA would be higher and conversely.
- It ranges from 1 to 100 and developed by Moz.
Page Authority (PA)
- While DA refers to your domain, PA belongs to a specific page.
- Sometimes your DA is only dependent on your sole page.
- It happens when you have only a single page over Blogger.
- Click here to check the DA and PA of your domain.
Trust Flow (TF)
- Closely related sites to a trusted seed link, get a higher TF.
- However, some questionable linking sites, get a lower TF.
Citation Flow (CF)
- If you get a backlink from an authoritative site who has a quality number of backlinks, eventually you will get a higher CF.
- TF and CF are the trademarks of Majestic.
- Click here for the step-by-step guide to use different backlink profile metrics of Majestic.
Scanbacklink Rank (SB)
- Sometimes MOZ unable to tell the correct value of your specific page.
- It happens when your DA is higher than your PA.
- Take the example of
- Often a specific page of wikipedia has low PA.
- However, it’s DA would be higher.
- Scanbacklink trying to get the optimal picture of PA.
- First, you should divide DA by 5.
- Then, add your PA.
- After then again divide by 10.
- SB Rank - DA/5=A
A + PA =B
B/10 = SB Rank.
- Supoose your DA is 35, and PA is 25.
- So, SB rank is as, 35/5 =7
- 7+ 25 = 32
- 32/10 = 3.2
- SB rank = 3.2.
- [Note: For Alexa top 100 ranks, the SB rank is the same as DA and PA].
- Click here to check your specific page SB rank.
Now, you have mastered the 7 supreme hacks to become a top-notch SEO writer. You have grasped facts, necessary Q&A, resourceful images, writing styles, anchor text and link building strategies, content creation, headline generation techniques, backlink analysis and many more. So, just keep your treasure-trove hacks and utilize it wisely to become a top-notch SEO writer.
Thanks for reading my whole article. I want to give you an award. Click here to download the whole content as pdf.
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